Tri Jaya Abadi

CV. Tri Jaya Abadi adalah Perusahaan Importing & Fabrication Baja Ringan yang berpengalaman sejak 2017 dan memiliki rekanan bisnis terbesar & tersebar di seluruh Indonesia, khususnya di Pulau Jawa. Produk yang kami buat adalah Spandeck, Spandeck Pasir, Bondeck, Profil Reng, Kanal C, Hollow Plafon, dll. Lokasi kami berada di wilayah Bekasi Jawa Barat di atas lahan seluas >3.000 Meter Persegi dan memiliki Ekuipmen dan Mesin Terbaik dikelasnya. 

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The land of the future dreams.
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The Housing condition now a days have regressed in quality as well as the allotments, Looking at such biting condition of the people brings us a great sorrow. To help our fellow brothers and sisters we present to you the Future Dream Project.
Increase in quality, Decrease in quality.
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Decrease in quality is imminent with the increasing demand of quantity in the building sector. The need to increase to develop more and more shelter for the ever-growing population tends to take its toll.